; Building Healthy Soils in Dunn County | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Building Healthy Soils in Dunn County

Katie Wantoch


Dunn County has seen a renewed interest in farmers wanting to implement soil conservation practices, especially in the adoption of cover crops. The Dunn County Soil and Water Health Partnership was formed in 2014 by local government agency staff from Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC), Dunn County Land and Water Conservation Division (LWCD), Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS), and UW-Extension. The partnership was searching for an opportunity to demonstrate soil and water conservation best management practices for the Dunn County community, area farmers and CVTC students.

Members of the Partnership assist in guiding the management of 140 acres of farmland while CVTC’s Agriscience students are able to use the farm for an outdoor learning environment. Conservation practices help growers retain the soils’ productivity while making the best use of resources (land, labor and capital). Several of these practices are being implemented on the Red Cedar Demonstration Farm, including crop rotation, conservation tillage, and cover crops.

This presentation will focus on the steps taken to develop this on-farm research and demonstration farm and collaboration amongst agency staff. Discussion during the presentation will cover Extension’s role in securing additional funding for equipment, and outreach to area farmers, crop consultants, conservation staff, educators, students, elected government officials and area community members. Impacts will be highlighted on efforts to increase the use of no-till practices, increased planting of cover crops and increased adoption of precision agriculture equipment and technology.

Presentation Materials
