; Farm Succession Planning for Younger Generations | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Farm Succession Planning for Younger Generations

Laurie Wolinski, Maria Pippidis, Paul Goeringer, and Nate Bruce


Risk management and farm succession/transition planning are vital to every farm. Using a case study approach, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension offers a special program for high school students to learn about the details and challenges in managing these, sometimes sensitive, types of farm risks – particularly on family farms. This program is interactive; students work in teams while learning about the foundation of a healthy farm, what is needed to manage risks and maintain a farm’s health and what it is needed to begin succession/transition planning. This program is open to all high school agriculture science students interested in risk management, farm business management and farm succession – whether they are planning to work on a farm or pursue a different agriculture related career, or a career in finances, law, social work, or the medical field. The ultimate goal is to increase the understanding and importance of succession planning among young people so they will begin to have conversations with the older farmer generations.

This lesson relates to Principles and Concepts in the National FFA Career and Leadership Development Events for Farm and Agribusiness Management 2017-2021 (version Feb. 2020).
• Concepts and Functions of Risk Management
• Business Management
Impacts will be known once the evaluation has been completed and returned to us by Ag Science Teachers in March.
