This poster highlights key resources from the University of Missouri Extension’s Value-Added Meats Team to help beef cattle producers manage financial and market risks associated with selling beef direct-to-consumer. Evaluating Direct-to-Consumer Marketing Opportunities for Local Beef in Missouri provides strategies for selling beef. It covers pricing structures, market channels, and operational considerations, enabling producers to make informed decisions about entering local beef markets. The On-Farm Beef Finishing Planning Budget is a practical budgeting tool that helps producers evaluate the costs and profitability of retaining ownership from calving through finishing. This tool includes variables such as feed, labor, and marketing costs, allowing producers to assess the financial viability of selling live fed cattle, beef shares, or individual cuts of beef. Additionally, the 5 Steps to Buying Meat Direct from the Farm guide helps producers educate consumers, fostering better understanding and stronger connections in local markets.
Each of these resources has garnered significant interest, with 10,598 combined views and downloads reflecting their value to Missouri producers. By utilizing these tools, producers can better understand the financial dynamics of direct-to-consumer beef marketing. Together, these resources empower producers to make informed pricing decisions, ensuring they charge enough to cover costs and achieve profitability. They also support marketing decisions by helping producers compare the financial implications of selling beef shares versus individual cuts. Expected outcomes include reduced financial uncertainty, smarter decision-making, and improved profitability, enabling beginning farmers, ranchers, and those expanding their operations to thrive in the competitive beef industry.
Conference | 2025 Extension Risk Management Education National Conference |
Presentation Type | Poster |