; Novel paper-based recertification training helps farmers renew their pesticide license in the absence of online and in-person classes | Conferences | AgRisk Library


Conference Name Novel paper-based recertification training helps farmers renew their pesticide license in the absence of online and in-person classes

Erika Crowl and Andrew Kness


Federal law requires farmers to maintain a private applicator license to purchase and apply restricted-use pesticides (RUPs). Farmers use RUPs in an integrated approach to pest management and must attend continuing education courses every three years to maintain their license. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, University of Maryland Extension was not permitted to host traditional, in-person classes, which is how many farmers obtain their continuing education credits (CEUs) needed to renew their pesticide applicator licenses. During the pandemic, farmers were not exempt from obtaining these credits. Not all farmers have access or the ability to attend virtual training; as a result, we developed a paper-based training that was approved for pesticide CEUs in Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. The paper renewal consisted of a 36-page workbook with a 30-question quiz. Farmers read the workbook and mailed their quiz sheet; they need at least 70% correct to pass and receive CEUs. To date, 101 workbooks have been requested by farmers in three states with 49 quizzes returned for CEUs. Of the 49 quizzes returned, 100% passed and earned CEUs and 100% of farmers rate their satisfaction as high or very high with the ability to obtain CEUs in this paper-based format. The total direct economic impact of this recertification method is valued at over $650,000 and has allowed farmers to maintain their licenses through a pandemic. This program has been so successful in Maryland that it remains a recertification training method to this day.


2025 Extension Risk Management Education National Conference